Month: November 2017


Voiceover. “Lessons” you really should have learned by now. Predictably (unless the lessons were revelations). Schmaltz! Addendum: If you’re too young to have learned the lessons, you might enjoy this. Your parents might find it...

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JUSTICE LEAGUE starts off with vertically shot cell phone video. And you know how I feel about that. That said, it didn’t suck as bad as I feared. But it wasn’t as good as I’d hoped. Not unwatchable, but not WONDER WOMAN. And I’m pretty sure I could see where the super-stache was erased. Lots of super powers and talk of wielding super powers. Why or why not? But I barely get a sense of the people inside the costumes. They are super-names and costume-fillers. Like the Broadway show CATS, they parade out, show you their special thing, you...

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I loved THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI. It is dark and funny, full of interesting characters, that are often awful people but who are really human. They have warts, scars, and occasionally brains that are a hair too small. But it makes for an entertaining two hours. I recommend it. ***Stop reading if you haven’t seen it yet.*** OK, this is a is-it-just-me situation. There’s one performance that jarred me out of the film two or three times. An actor started sounding sort of British at one point, and then sort of something else, Russian maybe, but certainly not...

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“All faith is false, all faith is true. Truth is a shattered mirror strewn in myriad bits, while each believes his little bit the whole to own.”
– Sir Richard Frances Burton

“It’s been my experience that most leaps of faith are preceded by a shove.”
-Goldie, “I’m Dying Up Here.”

“Those who would trade essential liberty for a little temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.”
-Benjamin Franklin

“Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.”
-Groucho Marx