Month: August 2017

MOVIE REVIEW: The Challenge

MOVIE REVIEW: The Challenge If you are ever invited to see a documentary about falconry called “The Challenge,” don’t go. Also, unfriend the person who invited you unless they didn’t know better. Maybe burn down the theater for being stupid and boring. There is SERIOUSLY no dialogue to speak of. Twenty minutes passes before the first words are spoken, and basically all the dialogue is meaningless nattering. Maybe that’s the point, but why did you have to make it? After ages of setup, they release ONE falcon, this ONE falcon catches a pigeon–only the camera is placed so you...

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ADVENTURES IN PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Yin and Yang “Pardon me, sir. Would you be able to change a dollar for the bus?” I’m standing at the bus stop on the corner of Fair Oaks and Colorado in Old Town Pasadena. He is older gentleman in slacks and a blazer. I’m not using “gentleman” lightly. He seems uncommonly courteous. The kind of person for whom the term should be reserved. I ask whether four quarters will do, and we make the trade. He then introduces himself, which is not common in such an exchange, and he uses both his first and...

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ADVENTURES IN PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Class, if I’d… – by Ken Bolding Some (possibly slightly crazy) Guy: (screaming from across the street) You going golfing? Me: No. Photography. I arrive at the bus stop, and set down my bags. Guy crosses the street and approaches. Guy: What is that? Me: Photography equipment. Guy: (excited) But what’s that sticking out of your bag?! Me: (sigh) It’s a collapsible frame for a piece of diffusion. Guy eyes me suspiciously. Guy: You from JPL? [NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory] Me: No. Guy: C’mon, really? Me: No. Guy stares at me for a few seconds, leans in, and then asks in a conspiratorial whisper, “you classified?” Me: No. Guy: Seriously, are you classified? Me: No. Guy: I don’t know if I believe you… (accusingly) You smell like skunkworks! He takes a moment and then suspects I might have misinterpreted his accusation as a dig against my personal hygiene, rather than as an accusation that I’m a scientist working on secret government projects. Guy: I mean, you don’t actually smell at all. You smell like Purell… And you’re not classified? You don’t work for JPL? Me: No. Guy: Hmmm. (tentatively) OK… You have a good day. Me: You too. Originally published Feb 16, 2014 @...

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Ken v. McDonalds Episode 214: It’s Not You It’s Me

 Ken v. McDonalds Episode 214: It’s Not You It’s Me – by Ken Bolding Those of you who follow my “adventures” know that “Ken v. McD’s” always begins the same way, “A large iced coffee, no cream, no sugar, no flavor. And the two sausage McMuffin deal, no cheese… Ken, like Barbie’s boyfriend. K-E-N.” Sometimes I skip the McMuffins. Sometimes I add a water. But I use this particular combination of words because they seem to make it less likely that things will go awry. But they almost always do. And I’m beginning to think it’s me. Let’s start with something seemingly unrelated. I sometimes put out streetlights. I approach them and they turn off. Most people don’t believe this but a few have witnessed it. A few years ago, I went to a cabaret show with my friend Melissa. As I walked her home, my recollection is that nine streetlights winked out as we passed under them during the 10-minute walk. My hypothesis is that my body emits or reflects a frequency of electromagnetic radiation that trips the light sensor. The streetlights think it’s daytime and turn off. Or maybe it’s more like a targeted EMP. I’m not sure. But judging by today’s interaction, whatever it is also disrupts the electromagnetic signals in the brains of McDonald’s employees and renders them unable to function. I approach and FLIP!...

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“All faith is false, all faith is true. Truth is a shattered mirror strewn in myriad bits, while each believes his little bit the whole to own.”
– Sir Richard Frances Burton

“It’s been my experience that most leaps of faith are preceded by a shove.”
-Goldie, “I’m Dying Up Here.”

“Those who would trade essential liberty for a little temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.”
-Benjamin Franklin

“Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.”
-Groucho Marx